Monday, September 20, 2010

Why I don't have an Xbox 360:


I am a person who likes to have money when I need it. However, with great Xbox (power) comes great wallet (responsibility?). If you go cheap on the console, it will show. Unless you buy everything new and use Xbox Live cards, then you can stand a chance to avoid the situations and drama I had below.

I got my first 360 brand new. Loved it like my own, but never had a hard drive. After buying a used one, it died after 2 weeks, right after the warranty. I traded the Xbox away, feeling the loss, but wanting better (musical instruments!). I managed to get another 360 for cheap at a pawn shop, sweet right? I enjoyed it for about a month before the hard drive died on it. After replacing it, the console itself gave me a red-ring-of-death. No fun. I sold the thing, not looking to get another. Weeks pass, and my friends old-trusty-steed-of-an-Xbox-that-never-failed-him-over-the-course-of-4-years failed on him. He bought a new one and gave me his old one. I happily took it (Free, any smart person would!) and baked it back to life. (No joke) I thought it would hold up well, so I subscribed to a monthly-version of xbox live. The xbox died about a month after, which I had expected, but M$ (Microsoft) never cancelled Xbox live when I told them too through hours on the phone. After about a month, I managed to fix it one last time. I noticed I still had 9 days of live left, so, everything was alright... right? Wrong. A day passes, and I can't log into my live account. Somehow, the account got jacked, and over $100 was spent. After another series of phone calls with M$, they did their 'investigation'. Month passes, finally, I get the refund and the account back. Whoever stole it was supposedly banned from live, but a day after getting it back, it was stolen again. When I called India (Microsoft) again to let them know, they told me to just sign into the account to confirm it was stolen again. I turn on the Xbox, and what do I see? Sure enough, the red ring of death yet again. To end it, I had M$ delete the account all-in-all, and I haven't bothered with it since.

Interesting Fact: Similar to how I baked the Xbox 360 back to life, I bake my brothers laptop back to life. It's a nice laptop, (asus c90s) but with a faulty video card. Nothing that tossing it in the oven in 200 degrees for 20 minutes can't fix!

Do I have horrible luck? Is the Xbox experience truly better than this? Likely, but hey, maybe it's a good thing I never got addicted to the Xbox. If anything, I do enjoy a few good songs in Rockband 2 (the Xbox destroyed the disk slightly before the red ring... sigh..) but not enough to deal with the issues of it. I've got real instruments to occupy me now :)

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