So I've been looking for some new fun iPod apps to keep me entertained when I find myself in a boring situation. I've already got loads of good apps, (see below) and am looking for more to entertain me. In a way, this is an open invitation for you to comment on great apps you've tried, and recommend them. I'm going to write a small review on a few that I really enjoy when the days are long.
Here we go, in no particular order:
Definitely one of my favorite iPod games! It's a full 3-D first-person shooter. You wouldn't think it's easy or possible with a touch screen, but when you get used to the controls, the game controls are actually well worked out. The gameplay is great, and has a full Campaign/Story mode you can play through. It's a good length too and you have close to 6-8 different guns throughout the game. Regarding Graphics, I give it a 9/10 for being an iPod. They're great, and I could only imagine how well it'd be on the new iPhone 4. The storyline itself isn't too bad, and it's got some fun online multi-player via WiFi too! Go check it out if you're looking for a good shooter!
Call of Duty: Nazi Zombies!
If you liked Nazi Zombies on World at War, give this a try! It's 10 bucks, but pretty fun actually. I've got to round 28 by myself on the iPod (nowhere near my round 39 on Xbox) and it's got Bluetooth/Wi-Fi Coop too! They also released a map pack that I haven't tried yet, but I think it'd be cool too.
Angry Birds
When I first tried the lite version of the game, I was like "Sweet, that was kinda fun, might play it more." When I got the actual game, that changed, and became a personal challenge and accomplishment to finish each and every level. Finally, as of 3 days ago, I finally nailed it! The game is very simple and addicting, definitely go get the lite version if you haven't played it. There is a ton of levels and it's WAY worth what it costs!
This game was one of the first I ever got, it's insanely addicting! It's an iPod version of "Defend your castle", where you
slide your finger lightly to toss throw stick figures with all your might in attempt to destroy them and not let them harm your beloved castle. As you progress, there are various types of enemies and a higher amount, to beef up the challenge and put more stress on you. Of course, you're rewarded with cash to upgrade and get some power-ups of your own. (archers, wizards, workshop-men) The concept is fun for when you are truly bored, and I love it! There is a lite version out too for it.
Words with Friends
Who doesn't like Scrabble?! Words with Friends is exactly that, but with a slight difference: You can play whenever you want. Yep. Lets say, someone makes their move, and it's my turn. I don't have to play right then, I can wait an hour later, or 2 weeks later if I want and don't have internet.. (Sorry mom!) Feel free to add me on Words with Friends if you ever want to play! My screenname is cool29801.
A very small app, but a very fun app! You basically are a moving ship-thing (An arrow?) and you have to dodge cubes as you pick up speed. Simple concept, hard game. Very addicting! It has custom level support, and is a lot of fun to compete with friends through pass-and-play. Go grab it!
7) Other Apps
This is almost a must when I am running around. I use it constantly! It's facebook, with a very smart layout that takes advantage of the iPods touch. Pages are easily accessible, and has enough features that you can get by without ever bothering using facebook on a website.
The Bible (YouVersion)
It's the Holy Bible! It lets you select easily any verse, chapter, or book you want! You can easily email friends verses and switch between TONS of different translations! There are a handful of downloadable translations for when you don't have internet, but not quite some that I'm looking for, sadly.. (Get the Amplified Bible! Come on YouVersion, make it downloadable!) With internet, or being on an iPhone, this is great and you instantly have all access on the go! Combine this with the built in note app for iPods, and you're set!
NES Emulators
These are cool, but generally don't perform up to par of what I'd be wanting. Seeing ancient NES games is amazing, but sometimes, audio can be skippy, and some games just aren't enjoyable. (SuperMarioBros3) But others like Zelda and Metroid can be!
These are a few that I have tried, but I really need more. Feel free to drop some suggestions in the comments, or put in your own input. Peace!